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Quote by Email instructions
Submitting a quote request by Email requires you to have scanning and email capabilities in your computer. You will need to scan and attach your current Insurance Declaration page and a completed Automobile Quote Supplement Form to your email and send it to quotes@eatoninsuranceservices.com.
Winword text file: Automobile quote supplement Adobe PDF file: Automobile Quote Supplement
Group and Discounts – The largest discounts by percentage are Group and Credit Score and both require your assistance for you to receive them. It is vital that you fully complete the Credits and Discount section on the Automobile Quote Supplement Form. You will need to provide us with the name of any group or groups you belong to such as Alumni, Credit union, AARP, Social groups (i.e. Eagles, Rotary etc.).
Credit Score discount – For us to apply this 10% to 42% discount to your quote we need you to enter you previous address in the discount portion of the supplement form if you have moved within the last 6 months, and then sign on the designated line to authorize us to pull your credit score.
If you need assistance in preparing your submission please call our quote support group at 800-382-1470 between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eastern.
OneShot Quotes.Com is a subsidiary of Eaton Insurance Services all rights to forms and pages being displayed are reserved and cannot be used without permissions