Monday, February 17, 2014
by wseibel
February 17th is the unofficial holiday know as Random Acts of Kindness Day. This day was originally founded by Megan Singleton, Josh de Jong and Marshall Gray to encourage acts of kindness.
This is a day to challenge people to do something nice for someone who they don’t know and to do it for no reason at all. This is a day that doesn’t require you to spend a lot of money or time. It’s the small things that matter to people.
Take the time today to stop in and tell someone what a great job they are doing at their job (like a grocery bagger, bank teller, police officer, etc.). You could pay for someone in a line behind you (like in a drive thru or gas station, etc.). Pay someone a compliment, or smile and say hello to someone you don’t know.
Everyday should be Random Acts of Kindness Day, but it’s not! We get so wrapped up in our own little worlds that we don’t take the time to think or appreciate others enough. Take the time today to make the world a brighter place!
We don’t know what kind of day the person next to us is having. Who knows, we could be changing someone’s life with just a simple hello, how are you today! Life is not all about us!! Let’s make it a Bright and Beautiful Day by filling it with Random Acts of Kindness.
Eaton Insurance Services would like to thank you for participating in this Great Day!